Q Find a recent article on the use of phages (viruses) as a tool to control invasive species or drug resistant microbes. Include in your summary thoughts on safety of this tool. Please feel free to run an article by me through email if you are not sure if it qualifies for this topic. (7 points) 1. Find a current news article (last 2 years) from a reliable source related to microbiology topic. 2. You need to write one paragraph summary/opinion (more than 2 sentences and at least 11 point font) but no more than one page using correct grammar and spelling. 3. The paragraph should summarize (not plagiarize or quote) the article findings. 4. Finally, you must include the title of the article and link to the article. Post a comment on another person's article. Two or more sentences showing an understanding of their review/comments and your ideas about those topics. You will not be able to see other group members articles or comment on them until you post your own. (3 points) Some examples of good sources: Science Daily, New York Times, Newsweek, Time magazine, State Health Departments, World Health Organization, and Center for Disease Control. You are not limited to these sources they are just examples. Please avoid blogs that do not contain credible references that are cited.
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